Out of Garbage / Waste to Dress, Fashion Project, One World Foundation, Ahungalla, Sri Lanka, 02.– 27.03.2020
Plastic bags, cups, straws, fast-food packaging, nets, aluminium cans, bottles and stoppers that have washed up on the beaches as well as leaves that have fallen from trees in the tropical rainforests and gardens replace conventional clothing materials. The theme of the project is the transience and immutability of materials as well as the need to return to a sustainable packaging and textile industry that protects resources. Along with some 40 women who were trained in the tailoring workshop of the one world foundation school, Bettina Reichl (fashion and packaging designer) and Irma Denk (founder of Slow Fashion and Feldenkrais Practicioner) produce styles in a 1-month workshop that will be presented in a final fashion show.
More Information: https://owf.at/out-of-garbage/?lang=en