Unknown Object I bis V: Acid wash on high-quality sarong cotton, 50 cm x 50 cm, € 1,100
Supermassive Structure I und II: Pigment, dye, wax on high-quality sarong cotton, 40 cm x 40 cm, € 1,500
Celestial Object I: Pigment, dye, wax on high-quality sarong cotton, 40 cm x 40 cm, € 1,500
Nebula I und III: Pigment, dye on high-quality sarong cotton, 120 cm x 90 cm, price upon request
Formation IV: Pigment, dye, wax on high-quality sarong cotton, 150 cm x 150 cm, price upon request
The prices are exclusive of VAT and shipping.
The profits from each item are used to sustain and improve the efforts of the one world foundation school in Ahungalla.
Some of the batiks are on display at the Schmuckwerkstatt SKREIN* at Spiegelgasse 5, 1010 Vienna until 30 June 2024.